Not a dry eye in the house as Bob Chanin said goodbye to the NEA delegates who have grown to admire, love and respect him over the years...because no one can fill his shoes (or his briefs).

Tribute to Robert Chanin NEA General Council NEA 147th Annual Meeting, 88th Representative Assembly, San Diego Ca. Monday, July 6th, 2009. RA Today/Calvin Knight
Proclaiming that "it is time for a new generation to drive the bus," retiring NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin bid farewell to RA delegates Monday in a moving tribute that drew repeated standing ovations.
Watch his full speech here:
Chanin, who is retiring after 41 years as NEA's top attorney, was saluted by delegates from across the country for his work on critical issues such as collective bargaining, desegregation, vouchers and education funding.
Watch our tribute here:
During his time as NEA general counsel, Chanin argued five cases before the U.S. Supreme Court - winning four of them - and filed 25 briefs.
Join our Bob Chanin tribute, and share your memories with us.
I was a first time delegate to the RA this year and am so glad that I had a chance to see Bob Chanin in action. His speech was so impressive as a chronicle of the hard won rights that we now take for granted such as our local bargaining. He really brought home to me that old quote: "An injury to one is an injury to all". With the advent of the move to charter schools, (and the possible privatization of education) and the discussions about merit pay, we are going to have a hard road ahead but it will have been made much easier by the work of strengthening our association led by Bob Chanin and his colleagues. Thank you Bob!